Greetings, Saints of the Most High God!!!
Welcome to the online home of Evangelist Vickie Chiney-Smith 
otherwise known as The Praise Raiser! 
Where there's always something going on for the Lord! 
On this site:
My husband of 23 years, partner, and hero, 
Elder Donald L. Smith, Jr. aka God's Soldier42day!
Good is Just God Stretching out!
email me

For Information 
Call 816-510-6033
Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous; for praise is comely for the upright. 
                                                    Psalms 33:1
The Praise Raiser | KCMO |2023
Miracle Healing and Deliverance Ministries
Motto: And don't forget to....Raise the Praise, Not Sand!
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Partner in Ministry, God's Soldier42day: Elder Donald L. Smith, Jr. 
Family is First in Ministry.....

      I thank God for saving me, sanctifying me, filling me with the precious Holy Ghost over thirty  years ago, and that the mighty burning fire is still blazing in my soul. I thank God for saving my children and giving me an anointed companion, who is also a warrior of the Gospel.  I thank God for planting us in a fruitful vineyard with a visionary man of God leading us. And last but not least, I thank God for the vision that he has put down in me, which I fully dedicate my entire life to carrying out. In Jesus' name. Pray my strength in the Lord!  

Evangelist Vickie Chiney-Smith (EVCS)
Our Mission is to cultivate a body of believers whose culture understands that life is an individual walk with a consistent internal identity struggle between two characteristics on opposite ends – morality (good) and immorality (evil) – which have opposite outcomes (moral/positive and immoral/negative); 

And that the key to overcoming the negative experiences of everyday life is learning the art of resisting the temptation (impulse) to respond negatively to your circumstances for natural gratification (satisfaction), but instead respond positively and thereby permeate Spiritual dominance that overcomes evil with good

Through our motto, “RAISE THE PRAISE, NOT SAND,” we encourage you to worship God during your trials and receive a blessing reward, and do not magnify the devil and yield to the temptation and suffer the consequences. 

Praise Break!
And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians:
 For I am the LORD that healeth thee.
                                                                                                                              Exodus 15:26  
EVCS is a servant of God, who has dedicated her life to helping build His Kingdom. The Lord has anointed her with a "Miracle Healing, Demonic Deliverance and Praise Ministry;" a vessel purifed and sanctified for His use according to the divine instructions that are given in His Word." A moral lifestyle of holiness empowers her to minister through the laying on of hands and speaking God's will.